Rob and I went to Emma's conferences. She is a delight to have in class. :) Zero problems with behavior (which we figured, she is a pretty darn good kid.) She is incredibly kind and sensitive to other children's feelings. So, pretty much we are kicking ass at raising a good kid. Pat on the back for us!! Academically, she is making progress. Since this is her first school experience, she started behind other kids. She does demonstrate a major motivation to learn and master concepts, and she is making progress at a great rate. She could identify 20/26 letter sounds in mid October. As of earlier this week she is only getting confused with the letter "e" so I would definitely say that she is soaking everything up like a sponge. She has started VERY basic reading and writing so we are being blown away daily about how much she improves on a daily basis.
We are incredibly proud of how she is doing. Emma told me that her favorite part of the day is phonics. :) Hooray!
Arabel is still hysterical and talking more and more. She knows the entire alphabet and can count to at least 20. Emma is teaching her the letter sounds, so she is picking up on that as well. Her drawings are now looking like more than just lines and circles, so it fun to guess what she is making now.